Laser closing of vessels

The dilated capillaries that appear most often on the face form over time a red network of vessels, thus constituting a source of discomfort and complexes. The tendency to break blood vessels is usually genetically determined. This problem is also often the result of hypertension, hormonal and circulatory disorders, or excessively sensitive skin to external factors.

Laser closing of blood vessels is a procedure that allows you to close an enlarged blood vessel by means of radiation. Laser radiation causes the blood temperature in the blood vessel to increase rapidly, the blood vessel contracts and closes, and this change is permanent. By properly choosing the wavelength of laser radiation, the treatment brings immediate and lasting effects.

Indications for surgery

Main indications for this procedure include:

  • erythema,
  • rosacea
  • skin flabbiness,
  • shallow and medium wrinkles,
  • shallow and visible capillaries.


There are also contraindications:

  • allergy to light or the use of drugs that cause photosensitizing reaction,
  • pregnancy,
  • active herpes
  • pacemaker,
  • deep peeling of the skin (up to 2 weeks before the procedure),
  • hair removal in the area of the vascular lesion (up to 3 weeks before the procedure),
  • intensive exposure to sunlight (up to 4 weeks before the procedure), including a solarium.

Laser vessel closing is performed by:

Laser closing of vessels - kamila stachura

Kamila Stachura, MD

Dermatology Specialist, Aesthetic Medicine Physician